Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego dr Łukasz Urbański radca prawny Warszawa

Zakres usług
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Lukasz Urbanski PhD Legal Counsel Lawyer Poland Warsaw

Dir Sirs,

Let me cordially invite at my web page and introduce myself.

I have graduated from Law at Law and Administracion Faculty - Warsaw University (MA in Law, Warsaw Poland, 2003), Law and Administration Faculty - Lazarski University (PhD in Law / JD, Warsaw Poland 2012) and
International Relations Program at the Institute for Strategic Issues (2003)

As a Legal Counsel, member of The Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsels in Warsaw I do provide 
legal assistance, except for acting as defence attorney in criminal proceedings or fiscal crime proceedings.

Let me write the legal counsel profession involves providing legal assistance, including in particular:
  • rendering legal advice
  • issuing legal opinions
  • drafting proposed legislation
  • appearing before courts and authorities.

One should write there is no limitation for Legal Counsel in providing legal assistance including rendering:
  • legal advice
  • consultation
  • legal opinions
  • legal representation
  • litigation representation.

I am authorized by The Ministry of Treasury of The Republic of Poland to perform duty as a member of Supervisory Board in companies with State Treasury Shareholding.

The scope of my professional experience:
Partner at Law office (2009-present);
Legal Adviser, Warsaw-Mazovian Sports Federation (2009-2012); Deputy Legal Head, Assistant Vice President, FMCG company (2002–present); Internships: Chancellery of Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Polish Parliament), Inter-parliamentary Relations Bureau, European Union Section (2001); Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland (2001).

Pro bono and other activity:
Manager, Traffic security project - also supporting orphanages (2008-2012); CEO in local structures of NGO, managing the large organization; project management (2002–2003)

- mother tongue; English - fluent written and spoken (British Council certificate); German - basic knowledge; Latin - legal.

Yours faithfully
Łukasz URBAŃSKI, Ph.D. (JD), Legal Counsel

Contact: Mobile: (+48) 5O1.357.856
E-mail: mecenasurbanski
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Mecenas Łukasz Urbański radca prawny dr nauk prawnych Warszawa
Copyright:  Ł. Urbański  2011-2016